A recent trip to Philadelphia reminded me of what a wonderful community of artists exists there, adynamic and yet nurturing environment sustained in part by old institutions and new. Philadelphia was once the home of the first local chapter of Classical America, sponsored by the presence of architects Alvin Holm and John Blatteau; their presence was perhaps natural in a city that had produced such outstanding practitioners as Paul Cret and the firm of Mellor, Meigs and Howe, and still offers an urban fabric as harmonious and rich as any in America—it may be the closest our big cities get to a European scale and continuity, but achieved within a uniquely nuanced American grid.
was also the home of Thomas Eakins, and the great Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts that he nurtured and in
many ways defined. Even if that venerable institution has recently sacrificed
some of its grounding in the realist tradition, it still shelters rigorous
teachers and artists like Patrick Connors. Patrick is also a
member of the equally venerable, if quainter, Sketch Club—the oldest of its kind still in existence. I had
the chance to see his show there, which would have made the club’s founders
Eakins and Thomas Anshutz pleased. Indeed, Philadelphia is one of those few
places in America where contemporary classicists and realists exist in
something like an emulative relationship with their context, both contemporary
and historical. In no small part because of the Pennsylvania Academy,
Philadelphia sustained a realist camp through the twentieth century, and people
like Martha Mayer Erlebacher and her husband Walter
helped bridge the divide between ashcan realism and the modern renaissance of
realism. Today there is a wealth of talent in Philadelphia alone, and these
recent generations have both benefitted from that pedagogical continuity and contributed
to it. Witness the dynamic Studio Icamminati (founded by Nelson
Shanks and named after the Carracci’s academy in Bologna), whose teachers
include Philadelphia native Stephen Early.
I won’t say anything about the new Barnes Foundation (if you can’t say something nice…) but I will celebrate Cret’s Rodin Museum, one of America’s treasures and now in a literal tête-à-tête with its new neighbor. If someone in the City of Brotherly Love doesn’t make that point, then perhaps the classical architecture movement in Philadelphia isn’t what it once was; but at least the painters are alive and well.